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    The Met Office has issued a rare Red weather warning, indicating a possible danger to life.

    Exceptional rainfall is expected in parts of the country as Storm Babet gathers to batter the UK. Winds as strong as 70mph are expected to smash into land in the coming days.

    In total, two red weather warnings have been issued in anticipation for the "exceptional" rainfall that is inbound. Data and imagery gathered by NASA's Earth Observing System (EOSDIS) shows the storm creeping towards Portugal and Spain, after which it is expected to switch north towards the UK.

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    Babet is the second named storm of the season and promises brutal winds across the nation, with red warnings in place from 6pm tomorrow (October 19). Flooding, power cuts and disruption are all anticipated with around 250mm, or around 10 inches, expected by the forecaster.

    The feared danger to life is expected to come from "fast flowing or deep floodwater", while the structural integrity of some buildings could also pose a danger. In its warning of what to expect, the Met Office said: "Danger to life from fast flowing or deep floodwater. Extensive flooding to homes and businesses. Collapsed or damaged buildings or structures.

    "Road closures and bus and train service delays and cancellations Dangerous driving conditions because of spray and flooded roads. Loss of power and other essential services, such as gas, water and mobile phone service. Communities completely cut off, perhaps for several days".

    The brink of the storm isn't expected to hit all of the UK, with only parts of the British Isles, namely Scotland, due to take the hit. While yellow and amber warnings exist for much of Scotland, the particularly threatening warnings sit over Angus and Aberdeenshire. In addition to the red warning, there are three amber and three yellow warnings.

    Warnings are also in place for Dundee and Aberdeen, with the most severe weather expected to hit the east coast of Scotland. Meanwhile, the red warnings are expected to run from 6pm on Thursday, October 19, to around midday on Friday, October 20.

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