Inside ‘Gaza weapons factory’

With its pink wallpaper and flowery dresser it appears to be a little girl’s bedroom in a family apartment, like any other.

But the ground floor flat in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in northern Gaza harbours a dark secret: it is a major weapons factory for the Hamas death cult.

“We are in a children’s room, a little girl’s room,“ said an IDF soldier, standing amid the pretty pink furniture.

“You can see a pink dresser and the girls’ beds in a residential home.”

The home also happens to be next to a kindergarten, officials say.

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Just next door to the innocuous bedroom with its three children’s beds, walls were strewn with blueprints and instructions explaining how to make rockets and explosives with which to kill Israelis.

The room contained neatly organised workstations equipped with lathes and other machined tools while, elsewhere, crates were discovered crammed full of rocket-propelled grenade launchers, automatic rifles, and UAV drones, ready for arming.

In another corner is the entrance to a shaft, with a ladder and air cooling system, linking the secret factory to the labyrinth of Hamas tunnels which stretch underneath Gaza.

Israeli IDF combat engineers have so far destroyed more than 130 tunnels since entering Gaza last week, with the litany of Hamas commanders killed said to include master weapons maker weapons maker, Mahsein Abu Zina.

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