‌Booked a cruise? A cruise expert explained how to choose the right excursion to Express.co.uk and which mistakes to avoid.

Janice Mucalov is a travel journalist and cruise expert at CaboVisitor.com. She shared her best tips for booking a cruise excursion or day trip.

Janice said: “It’s tempting to get lured in by glossy descriptions, but as a seasoned traveller and journalist, I’ve always believed in peeling back the layers. Yes, it’s a good idea to meticulously scan through these descriptions, but one must learn to separate the marketing gloss from the actual experience.”

Cruise lines want guests to book on to their excursions but trips might not always be as good as they sound. Guests should check reviews before booking.

Janice added: “I remember one of my trips to Cabo. I’d booked an excursion that was sold to me as the ‘ultimate Cabo experience’. The brochure painted a dreamy picture, but when we arrived, it was vastly different.

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“We were shuffled from one spot to another, spending more time on the bus than at the actual attractions. That’s why I now pay extra attention to transit times. After all, we travel to explore, not to commute.”

Cruise ports can be a very long way away from the city centre or a destination’s top attractions. It’s a good idea to check how long the bus journey will be before booking an excursion. This is also important for guests considering booking a trip with a third party provider.

Janice said: “Let’s talk about activity level. Just because an excursion is popular, doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone.

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“I recall a friend who once signed up for a ‘mild trek’ but found it far too strenuous. It’s crucial to match the activity with one’s own capability. One person’s mild could be another’s extreme.”

Guests should check with their cruise line if they are concerned about the difficulty of an excursion. Cruise lines usually provide accessible excursion options for guests.

Janice added: “We all know travel isn’t cheap. But when comparing prices, don’t just look at the number. Assess what’s included.

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“Sometimes, that slightly pricier tour offers experiences and inclusions that give it an edge over cheaper alternatives.”

While an excursion might initially seem more expensive, it could be better value when guests consider what’s included.

Some tours might include attraction entry fees and food within the price which could make it a far better deal.

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