Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Capricorn.

Happy Birthday for Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023:

You are a generous humanitarian. You are happiest when you’re of service to others, especially if they’re in need. Happily, for you this is a year of service, which means it’s important to take care of yourself so you can be available for others, especially family members.


(March 21-April 19)
You create a fabulous impression on others today. Go after what you want. Doors will open for you. People see you as successful and affluent, even if you aren’t. Tonight: Someone important? This Week: Be patient with others, and yourself.


(April 20-May 20)
Today you want stimulation and adventure! Do something different so you feel you’re getting a change of scenery. If you can’t travel, take a short trip or be a tourist in your own town. Whatever you do today will bring you joy, and very likely broaden your horizons. Tonight: Travel? This Week: Old flames might create jealousy.


(May 21-June 20)
This is a wonderful day to entertain. Invite the gang over! People will come bearing gifts and treats. This is a fortunate day for you. Someone might even help you in your efforts to redecorate or improve your home. Tonight: Check your finances. This Week: Be accommodating with relatives and family members.


(June 21-July 22)
This is a wonderful day to schmooze with friends, spouses and partners. Naturally, there is much to discuss, because acquaintances from your past are popping up in your world again. Enjoy interactions with groups and organizations. Tonight: New faces. This Week: Guard against accidents until Wednesday’s Full Moon.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
Although this is a fun-loving, social day, work-related travel might occur for some of you. In either case, with fair Venus in your sign, you will be charming! Tonight: Independence! This Week: Money issues come to a head.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This is a wonderful day to enjoy playful activities with children, sports events, picnics, barbecues and fun, social diversions. Some are in a secret love affair. (You know who you are.) Tonight: Socialize! This Week: Ex-partners and old friends require patience and tolerance.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This is a festive day! However, today you are happy to hide at home and relax among familiar surroundings. You might entertain a few people, because with Mars in your sign now, you have a boost of energy! Tonight: Surprise company. This Week: You have lots of energy this week!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Get out and schmooze with daily contacts, siblings and relatives today. This is a fun-loving day to be involved with others. With Venus at the top of your chart, you look attractive to everyone. Tonight: Pay attention. This Week: The beginning of the week is rocky for romance.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Things are looking good financially. You might see ways to boost your income or to get a better job. Or you might improve your existing job. Keep your receipts, because if shopping, you’re ready to spend big! (It’s time to put the “b” back in subtle.) Tonight: Guard your possessions. This Week: Be patient with parents and bosses.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Lucky you! This is a wonderful day to socialize, because the Moon is in your sign dancing with Jupiter, which promotes warm, friendly feelings with others. Today you will get exactly what you give, so be generous. Tonight: Freedom! This Week: Guard against accidents Monday to Wednesday.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You’re happy and content today. This is a sociable day for many; however, you might choose to play things low-key and seek solitude in beautiful surroundings — with good food and drink, of course! Your home is a happy refuge today. Tonight: Caution. This Week: Protect your finances the first half of the week.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Grab every opportunity to socialize with friends and groups today. This is an upbeat, festive day! Work colleagues will be supportive. In fact, a romance with someone at work might begin. These are passionate times for your sign! Tonight: New faces! This Week: Wednesday’s Full Moon is in your sign. Patience.


Actor Aaron Paul (1979), actress Sarah Chalke (1976), actor Patrick J. Adams (1981)

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