This was not the first time i saw a traffic police capturing the moving vehicles with a cell phone camera. I want to know how it works.

BHPian mreccentric recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I had been on a small outing with a friend on this Sunday. I saw something which was familiar to people across Bengaluru. The traffic constable was standing by the side of the road without any attentiveness.

Over a few seconds, as a two wheeler vehicle with it’s passengers riding without a helmet passed by, he caught it through his mobile phone or cell phone. I don’t know how it worked, but it seems to be used for sending violations and fines report.

This was not the first time i saw a traffic police capturing the moving vehicles with a cell phone camera. I want to know how it works. How he take a proper notice of fast moving vehicles on a cell phone camera? Do they a use an proprietary app for this purpose, or just a normal camera app?

Aren’t there CCTV cameras across the major junctions (in every city), which catch such instances and deliver reports automatically (i have heard something like this in Bengaluru)? Will the information captured on the cops cell phone camera be counted as a violation?

Here’s what GTO had to say on the matter:

If done right, it’s the ultimate example of efficiency.

In our area, there are no more tow trucks. Traffic Police merely come & take pictures of cars in no-parking zones. When the car owner sees his online challan with proof of wrong parking, you can bet it won’t happen again.

No tow truck is a win-win. No damage to the vehicle for us car owners.

Here’s what BHPian deathwalkr had to say on the matter:

I would assume cops take pic to note down the license plate number. Come the evening they would start writing challans referring the pics.

As for cameras, they are there but pretty sure not all of them would be working.

Besides, cops have their targets to meet

Here’s what BHPian wingrider had to say on the matter:

This is not new. Kerala mvd has been doing this for a long time. My cousin got fined for riding with a pillion who wasn’t wearing a helmet. The photo was clearly taken by a cellphone since it was taken from ground level and uploaded to their online portal. I got fined for parking in an unmarked “no parking” zone  .The chap selling snacks nearby told me about two policemen on a motorcycle who were taking videos of the vehicles parked. He told me this was a daily occurrence and loads of people were getting fined. Few weeks later saw a report in the newspaper regarding this and the very next day the authorities painted a no parking sign on the road and put up a no parking sign.

Here’s what BHPian mayankk had to say on the matter:

Have seen this in Noida and Delhi too, for more than 3-4 years now.

One lone cop would be standing idly by, and as soon as the lights turn red, he’d take a stroll across the road, clicking pictures of all cars/vehicles beyond the stopping mark.

Challan comes in by evening. Been there, got that done to me.

Here’s what BHPian ninjatalli had to say on the matter:

I have seen this in person at main junctions in CBD area in Bangalore (e.g. Dickenson road – MG road junction). The cop stands at the corner like he’s checking something on his phone. Waits for the signal to turn red and eventually there’ll be a few who cross over the white line. He then coolly walks across in front of them while clicking pics of the scooters/4-wheelers over the white line and goes and stands at the other side of the road for the next signal change. A few realize what he’s doing and try to wiggle backwards but it’s generally futile as the traffic is built up for several meters behind them with no space to go.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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