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Affiliate Offers Alpinabook

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order Online Shops CPS 15.0 %

Traffic Types Alpinabook

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic Contextual Advertising Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Push Notifications Retarget Targeted Social Media Ads Teaser networks Video Traffic Website

Description Alpinabook - an online store where you can buy books on the publishing price. The place where the chosen book is nice and simple.
The publishing group includes such major publishers as "Alpina Publisher" and "Alpina Non-fiction": it is a book of business and economics, the humanities and the natural sciences, personal effectiveness and education of children, books for creativity, as well as cognitive and expanding horizons books which in simple terms tell about scientific achievements, history, culture, philosophy and psychology.


  • Paid order.

The target audience:

  • Women 57%.
  • Men 43%.

Details and advantages:  

  • Free electronic versions to the paper.
  • A wide range of.
  • Free delivery within the Moscow Ring Road, to Russia - it is free from 2 000 rubles.
  • Shipping worldwide.
  • Cumulative discounts and higher by 10%.

Benefits offera:

  • Deserved reward.
  • User-friendly and intuitive website.
  • Large variety of traffic types and tools for webmasters.

Rules Alpinabook


  • GEO: Russia.

Exclude traffic types:

  • Doorway traffic.
  • Contextual advertising on the brand.
  • PopUp advertising.
  • ClickUnder advertising.
  • Toolbar advertising.
  • Motivated traffic.
  • Adult traffic.
  • Groups / communities in social networks (without creating a group on behalf of the advertiser).
  • E-mail marketing (by agreement).
  • Push-notifications (by agreement).

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eCPC: 3.59 CR: 1.2%


eCPC: 0.05 CR: 0.0%


eCPC: 4.16 CR: 0.45%


eCPC: 0.35 CR: 0.6%


eCPC: 4.5 CR: 0.3%

eCPC: 0.4 CR: 0.4%