
Online Shops 1735

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Affiliate Offers CDEK.Shopping

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order (electronics, home appliances) Online Shops CPS 1.28 %
2 Active Paid order (perfume) Online Shops CPS 5.5 %
3 Active Paid order (clothes, footwear, beauty, health) Coupon traffic Online Shops CPS 4.49 %
4 Active Paid order (electronics, home appliances) Coupon traffic Online Shops CPS 1.28 %
5 Active Paid order (perfume) Coupon traffic Online Shops CPS 5.5 %
6 Active Paid order (clothes, footwear, beauty, health) Online Shops CPS 4.49 %
7 Active Paid order for other categories Online Shops CPS 2.56 %
8 Active Paid order for other categories, Coupon traffic Online Shops CPS 2.56 %

Traffic Types CDEK.Shopping

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Push Notifications Retarget Targeted Social Media Ads Teaser networks Video Traffic Website

Description CDEK.Shopping

CDEK.Shopping is a modern platform through which buyers can order goods of well—known foreign brands at prices lower than on the Russian market, or find unique products that are not available in the Russian Federation.

We have created a convenient and optimized platform for today's realities, which provides customers with free access to high-quality foreign goods: electronics, clothing, shoes, dietary supplements and much more.

Advantages of the offer:

  • A large selection of traffic types and tools for webmasters.
  • Quick payouts.
  • There is a great potential for the development of this direction.

Details and Benefits:

  • Only genuine goods from foreign stores.
  • The platform cooperates only with trusted partners, it is impossible to purchase a fake.
  • All products have a warranty from the manufacturer.

Rules CDEK.Shopping


  • The average check is 45 000 rubles.
  • They do not provide personalized promo codes.
  • When creating test orders, you must write the phrase "Test order".
  • List of negative words HERE.
  • Promo code sites are allowed.
  • Instagram Facebook and Instagram are prohibited.

Traffic types by agreement:

  • Push notifications.

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