The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

Insurance and Finance 1911
The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

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Affiliate Offers The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Complete registration form and Apply Insurance and Finance SOI 25.0 USD

Traffic Types The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

Applications/Games in Social Networks Contextual Advertising Contextual Advertising Groups/Communities in Social Networks Targeted Social Media Ads

Description The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

Founded in 2016 The Legal Helpers have helped thousands of individuals connect with legal attorney who help educate clients on the legal processes needed for their specific claims. We aim to connect users with attorneys who can help review and resolve cases involving motor vehicle accidents.

Have you suffered an accident or other injuries?

You may be owed a significant amount of money as fair compensation.


  1. Fill out the questionnaire, 2 minutes.
  2. Check if you have the qualifications instantly.
  3. Contact a legal specialist who can help you with your application.

What type of case:

  • Personal injury cases.
  • Cases related to car accidents.

Target audience:

  • +18 years old

Rules The Legal Helper - Insurance - Compensation

KPI: The user fills out the short registration form correctly, to the end.

Test limit: 10 leads/daily.

CPL - SOI (Single Opt-In)

The users only needs to enter his e-mail and that's it - no verification required.

Best Traffic Sources: 

  • Blog.
  • Video.
  • Email.
  • Search.
  • Display.
  • Toolbar.
  • Preload.
  • Auto-Redirect.
  • Social Media.

Languages: EN.


  • Strictly prohibited: motivated traffic, and pop under.
  • The client should not be guilty or already have a lawyer's representation.

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