Lamoda (iOS)

Mobile Applications 1396
Lamoda (iOS)

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Affiliate Offers Lamoda (iOS)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active purchase Mobile Applications CPS 0.0
2 Active Installation + open (TikTok) Mobile Applications CPI 180.0 RUB
3 Active Installation + open Mobile Applications CPI 150.0 RUB

Traffic Types Lamoda (iOS)

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Doorway Traffic Mobile Traffic Retarget Teaser networks Toolbar Ads Video Traffic Website

Description Lamoda (iOS) - the largest company in the e-commerce sector, which is carrying out online sale and delivery of fashionable clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and perfumes. assortment online store has more than 2 million products and 900 brands authentic. today occupies a leading position among Russian Internet shops of clothes and footwear. The success of the company is evidenced by such indicators as the turnover and traffic, which since March 2011 has increased to 20 million unique users of the site. In 2014 it became part of Lamoda GlobalFashionGroup - holding companies created Kennevik, Rocketinternet and AccrssIndustries.

The purpose offera:

  • Installation and input.

The target audience:

  • Men and women 18 and older.

Details and advantages:

  • More than 1,000 brands.
  • More than 20 mils. visitors per month.
  • Try-before buying.
  • Convenient Returns.
  • Various payment methods.
  • Authentic brands.
  • Permanent promotions and discounts.

Benefits offera:

  • Significant pay per action.
  • Lamoda brand awareness on the Internet is growing every day because invested heavily in advertising.
  • Constant action to improve earnings partners.
  • Updated top 1,000 most popular items!

Rules Lamoda (iOS)


GEO - Russia.

List of regions to exclude: 





According to the federal law "on advertising", all lamoda ru advertising materials (banners, videos, etc.) must contain the following information:

 Kupishuz LLC

OGRN 5107746007628

123308, Moscow, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, 1, p. 1

 In order to avoid conflict situations, it is important to update all current advertising materials and in the future be sure to indicate this information.

For tracker - RU_AP_Advertise


CIR SD 7 days (Share of marketing spends in revenue by sold items):

Android: 100-110%

IOS: 80-90%

For tracker - MT


CIR SD 7days (Share of marketing spends in revenue by sold items): 

Android: 150%

IOS: 120%

Lack of motivated traffic (for this we look at RR 1 (>9%; <18%) + general application usage values), CR> 1%, GEO compliance.

In case of non-compliance with the basic KPIs, it is possible to cancel installations.

CR — conversion from clicks to installation.

CIR SD 7 Days = Spends/Revenue SD 7 Days

Spends =Installs*CPI

(Note that Sold values may vary. After returning or canceling orders, Revenue SD may decrease)

Attribution type click (1 day). 

In case of non-compliance with the basic KPIs, it is possible to cancel installations.

  • Advertising is prohibited in Yandex, Google, AdMob.
  • popup/clickunder/redirect traffic, adult traffic are prohibited
  • Traffic from FB and instagram is prohibited, as is spam in public
  • sms mailings and e-mail mailings by agreement.


All creatives need to be coordinated with me or colleagues. To do this, it is advisable to create a folder on google drive and make subfolders with dates.

If there are prices on the banner, it is advisable to send links in a separate file.
You must have rights to all creatives. Both on the video and on the audio track.
Since all prices must correspond to the actual prices on the site.
Advertising should not be misleading. It is unacceptable to specify specific brands/products with an implausible price. Similarly, for discounts: the discount on goods should not exceed the actual one in the application / on the website. If a product image is shown on the banner, then this product must be present in the Lamoda catalog and the price for it must correspond to the one indicated in the banner.

Bans on creatives:

- It is forbidden to use the brand and products of the Oodji brand, it is forbidden to use this trademark.
- It is forbidden to use in all communications the word Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Lacoste and the word "Discount", as well as all derivatives of this word.
- It is forbidden to create groups and channels on behalf of Lamoda
- It is forbidden to use brands:
Banana Republic
Gerard Darel
The Body Shop
Red Valentino
Agent Provocateur


Exclude traffic types:

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex, Google, AdMob).
  • E-mail marketing.
  • PopUp advertising.
  • ClickUnder advertising.
  • Motivated traffic.
  • SMS mailing lists.
  • Adult traffic.
  • Cashback traffic.
  • Groups/communities in social networks (by agreement).
  • Targeted advertising in social networks (by agreement).
  • Applications / games in social networks (by agreement).
  • SSP (prohibited by default) can be enabled by separate agreement: Smaato, Mopub, Inneractive, Inmobi, Tapsense, Tafi, Adiquity.
  • Advertising on instagram, FB, spam in public is strictly prohibited.

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