
Insurance and Finance 1916

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Affiliate Offers Creditozen

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Issued Credit - ES Insurance and Finance CPA 6.0 EUR
2 Active Issued Credit - MX Insurance and Finance CPL 2.0 EUR

Traffic Types Creditozen

Applications/Games in Social Networks ClickUnder Ads Contextual Advertising Contextual Advertising Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Motivated Traffic Popup Ads Retarget Targeted Social Media Ads Website

Description Creditozen

Creditozen is a well-established online lending company that offers short-term unsecured loans from 100 € to 1000 € for up to 31 days. Creditozen has a sophisticated scoring technology that allows applications to be approved in less than 15 minutes. This flexibility and speed makes the Creditozen product outstanding in the Spanish market, and also provides publishers with the highest conversion rate.

How does our loan work?

The procedure is very simple. You send us a request at any time and on any day of the week. Our doors are always open, so you can get an immediate online loan. You choose the amount and term of the loan and will be able to receive money in a matter of minutes. To get a micro-loan instantly, you just need to have a bank account and a permanent income, as well as a telephone line and be a resident of Spain.

  • Easy: If you urgently need money to solve an unforeseen situation, the best solution would be a Creditozen loan.
  • Quick: Request a micro-loan online on our website and you will receive it within a few minutes.
  • Confident: When we are dealing with economic problems, it is best to solve them in conditions of complete security, the one that you deserve.


  1. Make a quick online application.
  2. We will select an offer for you.
  3. Enjoy the extra money.

Target audience:

  • +21 years old

Rules Creditozen


  • ID card.
  • DNI / NIE.
  • The loan issued.
  • A citizen of Spain.
  • Personal bank account.
  • Valid phone number and email address.


  • EPC: €0.36.
  • CR: 3.80%.
  • CR MX: 5.39%.

Test limit: 10lids/day.

The user only needs to enter his e-mail and that's it - no verification is required.

The best traffic sources: 

  • Blog.
  • Video.
  • Email.
  • Search.
  • Display.
  • Toolbar.
  • Preload.
  • Auto-Redirect.
  • Social Media.

Prohibited traffic Sources:

  • Advertising on site and
  • Prohibition on filling out loan applications on behalf of the client.

Language: ES.

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