1xSlots (CPA)

Gambling / Lotteries 2350
1xSlots (CPA)

Affiliate partner map

Affiliate Offers 1xSlots (CPA)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First deposit (AR, CL, UZ) - min.dep Gambling / Lotteries CPA 25.0 USD
2 Active First deposit (SO) Gambling / Lotteries CPA 5.0 USD
3 Active First deposit (TR, KZ) - min.dep Gambling / Lotteries CPA 40.0 USD
4 Active First deposit (CL, UZ) - test Gambling / Lotteries CPA 22.0 USD
5 Active First deposit (AR) - min.dep - PV Gambling / Lotteries CPA 30.0 USD
6 Active First deposit (AR) - FB, UAC min.dep Gambling / Lotteries CPA 20.0 USD

Traffic Types 1xSlots (CPA)

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Contextual Advertising Mobile Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Website

Description 1xSlots (CPA)

To date, 1xSlots is one of the best betting sites in the CIS countries, because it provides an opportunity not just to bet on money, but something more - to get real pleasure from the excitement, the opportunity to communicate with like—minded people on the forum, get advice and recommendations from professionals.

Even for a beginner, it will not be difficult to figure out how a betting company works. The site has detailed information about all the rules, reliable statistics are provided, and the opportunity to choose the best payment method is provided. Therefore, it is very easy to place a bet in an online betting company — after passing a simple registration procedure, you can even place a bet on the game in one click!


  • Curacao.

Details and Advantages:

  • The widest selection of events.
  • Reliability in calculating bids.
  • A unique opportunity to place large bets on the most popular events.
  • Guarantee of payments of all bets.
  • High betting odds.
  • Individual approach to everyone who wants to bet on sports.
  • Professionally high level of service.
  • Guarantee of security and confidentiality.
  • Fixed payments. 
  • A wide range of received traffic.

Target audience:

  • Men 25+.

Rules 1xSlots (CPA)


Minimum deposit: 1$. SO - Perfect Money Amount (Min 1 142.04 SOS): Jeton Wallet Amount (Min 3 103.81 SOS) Skrill/Skrill 1-tap Amount (Min 3 103.81 SOS): BinancePay Amount (Min 500.00 SOS) Jeton Cash Amount (Min 3 103.81 SOS.

Baseline: no.

KPI: gaming activity, repeated deposits.

CR: reg2dep averages 20%.

Test limit: 20 deposits.

The best traffic sources: ASO, PPC.

Languages: multilingual landing page.

Number of registration fields: 3.

The rates in the offer are indicated as test rates, after conducting a test of 20 deposits, the rates increase, depending on the quality of traffic.


  • The minimum amount of traffic for payment is 5 deposits.
  • Multiaccounts, inactive players, minors, and any motivated traffic are not paid.
  • The postback is sent to the fact that the FTD has been entered by the player into realtime.
  • Multiaccounts and duplicates are not paid (cookie matching).
  • If any kind of fraud is detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.

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